The Back Story

   I am the quintessential "fat kid". As much as i love to think of my present self as a "health nut", there are certain characteristics that a fat kid never loses.. like my undying love for doughnuts and pbj's. My husband has to constantly find new hiding places for the peanut butter in our home. This is not a joke. The obsession is bad. If there is an item with sugar in our household, I will eat it. Which is why, now, we do not keep such items in sight.

                                              The Proof:

             Yikes.. who told me it was ok to get those bangs? AND why didn't anyone tell me to stop eating cheese burgers and little debbies?!         

   Needless to say, I do not come from a highly athletic background. I do, however, know a thing or two about competition. I have always been a very competitive/driven person. I have my dad to thank for that, as he is of the "If you're not first, you're last" mentality. Although I am sometimes competitive to a fault, I feel like I have this trait to thank for a lot of my success in life so far. I showed horses for most of my youth. It was a sport I had a very deep love and passion for. I was also pretty good at some aspects of it (winning World/National titles). I should also mention my incredible parents for supporting me, the friendships i made through these years, and my coaches who heavily shaped me into the person i am today. I could never express how grateful i am for that. In the end, I sold my beloved B.C.(my horse) for a car. This, I suppose, is something a lot of teenage girls heading into their senior year of high school would have done.

                                                    My First Love:

            This is the day before we sold him.. after our last class together, in which we won a World Championship. Not a bad way to go out.

     My career.. I am a Hairstylist!(I know that is very hard to believe given the picture above). It was sometime after hair school, and my first few years of being a stylist, that i morphed into the "girly girl" that i am today. I am now obsessed with things like high heels and boots and eye shadows and curling irons and hair extensions and barbells(which i am getting to, I swear). I consider myself blessed to have a career that i love so very much. There is something really great about knowing that I have a part in making my clients feel confident and beautiful.

    It all started almost a year ago in December 2010.  After getting married in September 2010, to the most incredible person i have ever met, I started feeling a strong desire to skip over that whole "newly wed 15" thing. I was getting sick of doing 87 hours of "cardio" a week and 3 sets of 15reps of things. I knew I'd never be able to keep up doing 5 spin classes a week.. that obsession went away quickly (there is only so much Ke$ha and techno beats at blaring volumes that this girl can take in one hour). At this point I was also still struggling to completely give up my godawful, horrible, extremely disgusting, repulsive addiction to nicotine. I was so scared that the minute I laid those smokes down for good, I was going to become a whale. Horrible, I know, but you never hear of people giving up nicotine without welcoming on a good 25lbs. After sweet talkin' the hubs, and agreeing to give up some of my other monthly luxuries(ie:cable, tanning,etc), we decided that I could join Phase5Fitness/Crossfit Revolution ( On that day, December 10th 2010, I put the cigarettes down(and never picked them back up), and began my crossfit journey. I adopted the Paleo Diet sometime around May, and although i have regular "cheats" with sugar, I have never looked back.

   Together, the two have made me look and feel better than i have in my entire life. Soon after starting crossfit my desire to lose weight was replaced with my desire to see how strong I could become and that is when i started to see change happen. I now desire to eat healthier so that my body will perform better, and in doing so, my body has began to reshape itself. I now measure my level of fitness by how many pull ups i can do and how heavy I can lift.. (but not running because i still haven't made much improvement on my 14 minute mile #ihateruuuunnin).  I have definitely developed a passion for Olympic Weightlifting and have started to focus my training around it..  AND plan on doing my first competition after the new year!

     I feel very fortunate to have been welcomed into such an awesome community AND to have found something that i love so much that is also so good for my body!

                                            My first days at Phase 5:

                 6 months of Crossfit/The beginning of Paleo:

                      10 months of Crossfit/4 months of Paleo: